Recovery Services Subrogation

Wilber offers exceptional claim recovery services and nationwide subrogation management.
Wilber Recovery Services can help. Wilber offers exceptional nationwide subrogation management and claim recovery services for insurance companies, municipalities, trucking companies, and other businesses across the country. Our claim recovery professionals are well-trained, well-coached, and well-monitored. We are firm but fair, and remain in control of each collection opportunity without being harsh or abusive. Consistency in our procedures and communications greatly reduces nonproductive collector time. Our claim recovery staff is supported by attorneys who answer their questions and are fully able to sue on your behalf in order to recover your assigned claim files. Wilber has specific expertise in carrier-to-carrier subrogation, arbitration and litigation management, as well as uninsured claimant recoveries.
Since the early 1990s, Wilber has been the industry leader in both volume of claims and successful collection ability. Our team of long-term, experienced professionals makes Wilber your best bet for all things subro.
The Divas & The Hunters
Wilber realizes that subrogation professionals are some of the hardest working individuals in the industry. That's one reason we launched two national campaigns in their honor. Our "Subro Diva" and "Hunter" campaigns offer inspiration, encouragement, and smiles for these industry experts.

Wilber Client View
There’s no doubt that improvements in technology have made it easier than ever for business to be conducted at a rapid rate, round the clock. Many of our clients need tools that will keep up with this pace in the office. That’s where Wilber’s Client View enters the picture. This secure web-based portal allows our clients to log in from any computer using their own personal password. From there, they can easily send a note regarding a claim, upload additional documents, follow a litigation trail, see the total collected on their account, and more. The Client View menu continues to expand each year with additional features.
Subrogation department managers enjoy the report section within Client View. They can use pre-made reports, create their own unique statement, or request that a customized report be designed just for their use. Data can be exported to an Excel spread sheet for further review. Managers can also grant access to specific employees to view and/or run certain reports.